University of St. Gallen
Graduate Level
- AI and Democracy, Department of Political Science
- Democracy and the Climate Crisis, Department of Political Science
- Experts and Democratic Politics, Department of Political Science
University of Zurich
Graduate Level
- Political Representation in Comparative Perspective, Postgraduate Research Seminar. Department of Political Science (syllabus).
- PhD Colloquium, 1st year PhD Seminar. Centre for Comparative and International Studies (ETH and UZH).
Undergraduate Level
- BA Thesis (Comparative Politics Specialization): Populism and Electoral Protest in International Context. BA Thesis Seminar, Department of Political Science.
- Political Culture: Values, Political Attitudes and Citizen Behaviour. Undergraduate Seminar, Department of Political Science
London School of Economics
- GV264 Politics and Institutions in Europe, Government Department LSE, Undergraduate Level.
- MY451/551 Introduction to Quantitative Analysis, Methodology Department LSE, Postgraduate Level.
Currently supervising two Doctoral dissertations at the University of St. Gallen and being part of the Committee of another Doctoral dissertation at the University of Brussels. I have supervised over 50 MA and BA theses in the past six years at the University of Zurich and the University of St. Gallen.
I am very passionate about education and seek to take part in educational initiatives across different age groups all around the world. In the past, I have worked with LSE’s Widening Participation, mentoring secondary pupils in North London, as well as in NGO-lead educational projects in India and Kenya, with which I am still involved.